Family Lawyers

What is Family Law?

A happy family is an element that many people often take for granted; with so many unique things that go into the smooth operation of a household, it’s not uncommon to hear that fall outs occur from time to time. It’s not just these disruptions to consider either, in fact families may struggle to overcome a number of things; from divorce or separation, all the way to child custody battles and everything in between. These aspects might be what the genre covers, but what is family law and how does it work exactly?

Getting to grips with families and the law

Unlike other types of law, typically relating to criminal prosecutions and authoritative legal matters, family or personal law applies to individual members of kin, most commonly children, parents, grandparents and even distant relatives. The genre encompasses matters such as divorce, where assets may need to be split between the two separating parties.

It also caters to requirements for mediation – as is commonly the case during severe fall outs between family members. This aspect can also extend to child custody battles, as well as wills, divisions and general issues relating to family matters.

Why don’t all courts deal with family matters?

These types of events are considered wholly personal, and unless a particular crime has taken place (such as theft, murder, or another prosecutable offence), family lawyers are often the only port of call to iron out contractual details, obtain annulments and tackle household disputes. Lawyers will most commonly work alongside a particular family member who may be attempting to gain access to children, or on the opposite side of the scale; attain an order to restrict custody, or even limit/ block access entirely.

In simple terms, a lawyer will undertake any personal tasks relating to legal matters as far as an individual or family are concerned. They will address the filing of papers, applications to court and general mediation tasks in order to better resolve an unwanted situation. In most cases, they are much cheaper than hiring a standard lawyer that doesn’t specialise in the family niche.

There have even been cases during suspected kidnapping, abductions and other similar events where courts and police officials have recommended that a family undertake the services of a personal lawyer to offer better advice with any charges or allegations. In many instances, families of all sizes find that employing the services of a law firm can help to speed up any processes, most commonly due to the fact that personal lawyers are able to call upon the best resources to move things forward.

Acting as both ‘middle-men’ and legal support means that they are often able to resolve issues without having to require warring parties to engage or interact, as well as being able to take care of the long and arduous procedures that have become a necessity when it comes to dividing assets, or managing custody.

Find out how you can be represented by Dimond Family Law at:

Address: Level 2, Suite 5, 180 Scarborough Beach Road, MT HAWTHORN, 6016
Postal Address: PO Box 289, Mt HAWTHORN, WA, 6915
Phone: 9443 1111
Fax: 9201 0249